Sunday, April 22, 2012

Culpa la musica.

Music has lost its value in the mainstream. All you hear is impersonal words about impersonal things. The person singing about overexaggerated confidence and acting without regard for others is the same one whos last thought before they slipped into unconsciousness is "I wish someone was here." This is the contradictory world we live in.
Where is the reality in life? Unidealistic portrayal being sent out to such young minds from everywhere. Television. Music. Media. They have no responsibility for the effects they have on people. It's no wonder everyone is so fucked up in their heads and hearts. What are people to listen to but other people who have been listening to he same message?
When will we stop filling our bodies with drugs, alcohol, and substances that only masks the pain underneath? We need to tame the beast not cage it or it will come roaring out with a neglected rage when least expected. Face your demons. Befriend them and they will be kinder.

Always the same.

I like the heat to much to be worried about burns.

As the sun rises I recognize we are no longer one. You go your way and I go mine. But my path is always to follow you behind. Strangers under the sun. Lovers under covers.

You wrapped me up and pulled me in to leave me hanging on a string.
An one day I will be strong enough to walk away. But not today. No not today.

And I'm glad the world is ending. I will no longer by plagued by the thought of you.