Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am rushed. There is not enough time to tell you all the things I want to say. There arent words to describe what I am thinking. Just know that I did not leave you.  I did not. They are taking me. I cannot stop them. They have total control over me, over my thoughts. There are too many. They know too much. Go into hiding my darling darkling. Hide in the memories that only we share. Go into them and live there. Dream to wake up. For I woke up to die. Dont come looking, for I am no longer there. My body will be gone by the time you read this note. They will go into our home. They will take everything. Every scrap of information, evey photograph, that might link back to that night. They are coming now. I hear them on the steps. Know that I love you, know that I never left.

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