Friday, February 4, 2011

Float On.

When the sun sets the misery settles in as well.
When darkness falls it brings the misery with it.
It's the hardest at night.
The loneliness surrounds you.
Smothering you in the darkness.
Covering you up to your neck
Blanketing you in self doubt.
Your old friend misery is back again.
It loves company and you seem to be her only friend.
Laying in your bed you feel the weight of it all.
The need for someone, anyone
To share it with.
Lonely in a city full of people
As the world spins on.
Unaware of your existence
Of your internal struggles.
It continues.
Your heart aches for what was yours
And for what never was.
Sleep numbs the pain.
Until you wake up in your dreams
And find yourself trapped by everything you can't have
And by the shadows of companionship that constantly linger in the loneliest corner of your mind.
Your body soul and mind hunger to touch and to be touch.
Your fingers twitch at the slightest graze.
Your breath stops at the glance of kind eyes.
Solidarity has made you hypersensitive
To any connection made.
You long to feel.
Feel anything.
But the numbing nothingness of loneliness.

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