Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Men of men before all else.

People play the victim. Everyone makes excuses for why they are the way they are and why they are there. No one is brainwashed. They are just content with their mediocre state of mind and claim otherwise when someone calls them out on their charade.
I feel like I would be lying to myself if I said I was above that influence. Am I a challenger or a victim? Am I genuine or do I just know how to play the game so well that I can fool everyone including myself into thinking I am above it all.
Do I truly want to see or would I rather stay blind? Being blind i am pleasantly unaware of what is out there. But if I do choose to see, will I be ignorant with that gift and only choose to view subjects pleasent to me. Will I be too ignorant still to really see?
We are selfish creatures us human beings. As much as we want to be otherwise, we are men before we are anything else. We are men before we are fathers, lovers, friends... We are men of Christ. Never anything more.
Maybe that is why everyone who plays the savior fails. You can attempt to rescue people who have condemed themselves but they aren't trapped in a cage. If you look closely you'll see their bindings are loose. The chains are there just for the theatrics. They chose to be where they are. Trapped by their own failings. Even the most purest of soul and mind are dragged down. Dismayed by all the twisted around them. No man is above the force of man. No man above the force of temptation. Each being has their limit.
Each man will give in at some point. Everyone is predictable in which they will all fail. Don't see me as a pessimist though. I do see beauty in success. I just see the corrupt trail it takes most to get there.
Where did originality originate from? Has there been anything truly unique since the beginning of time? Everything is copied, inspired, and remembered from a past subject. Every life is an experiment of what will happen of you expose them to this or neglect them of that. It is the parable of the sower. Only some will flourish. And it's all on chance. Is there destiny in life? No I think not. And if there is then destiny must be a woman for she is cruel. To witness those who are corrupt succeed and those who are pure fail is a terrible sight to see. It is all by chance that miracles happen. You are the chosen patient who was given a second chance while the man next door who is much more deserving breathes his final breathes. There is no such thing as karma. Just about time something good happened. And still some even know what it is to have any good in their life. Some never know the taste of success.  
We are all equally guarenteed everything but we chose to steal anything that will go unnoticed from one another. To lie and cheat one another for a quicker payout of happiness. Why is that? I once asked a man why he was unfaithful to his longtime wife and his response was simply "because I can I suppose." That type of man with power is a man to be feared. The men who do it just because they can and because they like to see the world burn and for no other reason. Everyone is burnt by someone else and they spent the rest of their life trying not to get close enough to get burnt once again. The scars they carry as a sign for others to stay away but it's too bad these scars are in a place which is not visible. Those who aren't damaged are burned by those who have been too much. And so they cycle continues.
We love to play with fire? We know it is forbidden but it seduces our starved eyes, lonely minds and selfish hearts. And then we runaway as soon as things get out of control. We don't want to see what destruction we have left behind. So runaway. Try and leave. But no matter what you cannot leave this world. Even in space you rely on substances of earth. You cannot truly be free from anyone or anything because you are man. Men are manmade. 


  1. I read it; great!
    As I meditate
    In my current state
    I cannot help but contemplate
    How you surmised that fate
    Was mostly fake
    A phenomena happened, all too late
    That corruption gets a lucky break
    While poverty gets crumbs off the plate
    That destiny is a thought-mistake
    A mediocre affair not worth the wait
    A fiction that we fabricate
    Nonetheless, I must annotate
    That the way you elaborate
    These thoughts which we can all relate
    So I see no reason to debate
    And I will not hesitate
    To state that, again, you write quite great
    And truly I cannot wait
    To read and pontificate
    Your next blog post; don't be late!

  2. You clever little bastard Christopher. I do enjoy conversing with you and sharing these thoughts. It's a distraction from the mundane routinue conversations I have with the majority of people I talk to. Feel free to put something up for debate or witty banter:)


    She called me 'clever'.... :D

  4. Oh geeez.
    The good thing is my mind has wandered out of it's dark place and I am slowly but surely moving on from the past and happier thoughts are no longer just a memory.

  5. Well, glad to be helping you!

    If I am. Which is a possibility.

    Birds flying out of my ass? ALSO a possibility.
    I mean, one already flew out of yours.
    Why not have it happen to me?

    Oh God. Now a bird's gonna fly out of my ass.
    Shit's gonna be Angry Birds.

    What the hell am I even SAYING?!

    So much for 'witty banter'... ಠ_ಠ
